
Fundamentals of Groundwater and Wells

By January 21, 2025No Comments
Clear Creek Principal Hydrogeologist, Marvin Glotfelty, RG, will be presenting the Fundamentals of Groundwater and Wells

Clear Creek Principal Hydrogeologist, Marvin Glotfelty, RG, will be presenting the Fundamentals of Groundwater and Wells at the 2025 AGWT – AHS Arizona Groundwater Policy Conference being co-hosted by the Arizona Hydrological Society and American Ground Water Trust (AGWT) in Phoenix, Arizona, on January 22, 2025.

The objective of this AGWT-AHS Conference is to discuss groundwater issues and policy specific to Arizona and to facilitate information sharing among landowners, groundwater end-users, regulators, management agencies, scientists, engineers, lawyers and citizens who have economic or environmental interests in water resources.

The Workshop is for water utility managers, water operators, and owners of high-yield wells; well contractors; and groundwater engineers and consultants who design wells, select pumps and assess the potential of aquifers. Attendees will learn about diagnostic methods (trouble-shooting) and solutions for maximizing water performance. Presenters will outline the latest practical, cost-effective solutions and explain how to maximize the economic return on pumped groundwater.

Learn more about Clear Creek’s water resources capabilities here.