Clear Creek Principal Hydrogeologist, Marvin Glotfelty, RG, will be presenting the Fundamentals of Groundwater and Wells at the 2025 AGWT – AHS Arizona Groundwater Policy Conference being co-hosted by the Arizona Hydrological Society and American Ground Water Trust (AGWT) in Phoenix, Arizona, on January 22, 2025.
The objective of this AGWT-AHS Conference is to discuss groundwater issues and policy specific to Arizona and to facilitate information sharing among landowners, groundwater end-users, regulators, management agencies, scientists, engineers, lawyers and citizens who have economic or environmental interests in water resources.
The Workshop is for water utility managers, water operators, and owners of high-yield wells; well contractors; and groundwater engineers and consultants who design wells, select pumps and assess the potential of aquifers. Attendees will learn about diagnostic methods (trouble-shooting) and solutions for maximizing water performance. Presenters will outline the latest practical, cost-effective solutions and explain how to maximize the economic return on pumped groundwater.
Learn more about Clear Creek’s water resources capabilities here.