Our reputation as a leading water resources management firm is based on our extensive knowledge of and experience with well drilling technology, borehole evaluation, and well design, combined with our expertise in project management and stakeholder communications.

Since 1999, we have designed, installed, and tested hundreds of exploratory borings, test wells, industrial supply wells and public supply wells. These have ranged from small-diameter domestic water wells, to large-diameter public supply and Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) wells. We have designed and installed numerous wells in both basin-fill aquifers and in more complex fractured bedrock settings. Using advanced analytical techniques and state-of-the-science subsurface assessment methods, we are able to develop groundwater supplies to meet both quantity and quality requirements, such that each well’s maximum potential can be realized.

Our experience in Water Resources Management includes:

  • Water availability studies
  • Well design/water supply
  • Well evaluation and rehabilitation
  • Groundwater recharge
  • Well decommissioning
  • Expert testimony on legal issues related to well construction

Clear Creek’s staff includes leading experts in water well design and construction technology who are frequently sought-after to present on technical topics by premier industry organizations like the National Ground Water Association. Numerous presentations by Principal Hydrogeologist and Co-Founder Marvin Glotfelty can be viewed on YouTube.

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