Michael Alter, RG, CPG

Principal Hydrogeologist

Geologic and Hydrogeologic Studies
Mining Hydrology and Water Resources
Groundwater Resource Development
Geochemistry and Material Characterization
Contaminant Fate and Transport

Mr. Alter has 26 years of professional experience planning and conducting hydrogeological investigations for projects related to mining, water resources, and contaminant hydrogeology. His technical expertise is in traditional geologic and hydrogeologic studies. He applies this expertise to projects where groundwater flow, contaminant transport, and water resources are directly influenced by site geologic conditions. He has successfully completed mining-focused hydrogeologic projects related to water resources, mine dewatering and mine water management, contaminant transport, mine geochemistry, environmental permitting, and mine closure. He is responsible for project management, project planning, field investigation implementation, and technical review.

Publications and Presentations

Alter, M.L., A Simple Plan for Sustainable Wellfield Operations in a Complex Fractured Rock Aquifer, Clear Creek Operations Meeting, February 15, 2021.

Alter, M.L., and Glotfelty, M.G., Hydrogeologic Remediation Techniques and Strategies, NGWA – Bechtel Marine Propulsion Corporation, July 12-14, 2016.

Alter, M.L., and Villinski, J., Mine Geochemistry Workshop, Henderson Mine and Mill Operations, February 15, 2015.

Alter, M.L., Well Design and Construction Techniques for Addressing Vertical Flow, Virginia Water Well Association, Richmond, Virginia, February 19, 2014.

Alter, M.L., Techniques for Assessing Cross Communicating Wells, Virginia Water Well Association, Richmond, Virginia, February 20, 2014.

Alter, M.L., and Kill, D., 2013, Groundwater, Well Construction, and Water Quality Short-Course, West Virginia Environmental Training Center and National Ground Water Association, Ripley, West Virginia, October 28-29, 2013.

Alter, M.L., 2011, The World Needs Geologists: Invited Guest Speaker at the 16th Annual Department of Geosciences Spring Banquet, Virginia Tech University, April 21, 2011.

Alter, M.L., and Hanson, D.P., 2010, Hydrogeologic Characterization Techniques Applied to ASR Well Design: Presented at the 2010 American Institute of Professional Geologists/American Ground Water Trust Conference, Orlando, FL, September 13, 2010.

Glotfelty, M.F., Alter, M.L., Bredfeldt, P.A., and Destrampe, R., 2005, New Supply Well Installation: From Design to Acceptance: Presented at the 2005 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, September 21, 2005.

Burchard, G. and Alter, M. L., 2003, Arizona Municipal Supply Well Construction Practices Past and Present – A Case Study: Presented at the 2003 National Ground Water Association – Southwest FOCUS Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 23, 2003.

Alter, M.L., Johnson, D.M., Bredfeldt, P.A., 2002, Basin Fill Aquifers Adjacent to Sulfide Ore Mining Districts – Hydrogeologic Implications Regarding SO4 Migration: Presented at the 2002 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Flagstaff, Arizona, September 19, 2002.

Glotfelty, M.F. Bartlett, R.D., and Alter, M.L., 2001, Well Assessment Techniques – An Evaluation of Common and Uncommon Features in Water Wells: Presented as a workshop at the 2001 Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society, Tucson, Arizona, September 12, 2001.


