Clear Creek Associates is sponsoring the 35th Annual Symposium of the Arizona Hydrological Society (AHS) to be held September 13 through 16 in Flagstaff, Arizona. Clear Creek hydrogeologists Geno Mammini, RG, and Marvin Glotfelty, RG, will present technical sessions “Well Design Trends in the East Salt River Valley” and “A Sensible Approach to Water Well Technical Specifications,” respectively. Geochemist John Villinski, PhD, RG; Modeler Paul Plato, RG; and Staff Hydrologists Travis Geringer and Anastiaza Wiens will also be attending the Symposium. Meet all of these technical professionals at Clear Creek’s exhibit.
Celebrating 35 years of community, the AHS supports education and discussion of the latest developments in water science, technology, and policy. Learn more here.
Clear Creek’s Technical Presentations:
Well Design Trends in the East Salt River Valley – presented by Geno Mammini, RG
Cities within the East Salt River Valley (ESRV) of the Phoenix Active Management Area have seen exponential growth over the past 15-plus years. Growth in this region has increased the need for groundwater and the construction of water supply wells. Through the recent design, installation, and testing of numerous supply wells throughout the ESRV, several trends were identified in water production, water quality, and hydrogeologic conditions. This presentation will provide a regional summary of several recent ESRV supply well projects, data gathered during borehole characterization, well design challenges, and general trends established following the installation and testing of the wells. It will also compare estimates of the predicted capacity and water quality concentration with actual results from the completed wells.
A Sensible Approach to Water Well Technical Specifications – presented by Marvin Glotfelty, RG
The design and construction process for water wells is a complex undertaking, so the technical specifications for such projects should be balanced and technically competent. The installation of a well — whether a water supply well, an aquifer storage and recovery (ASR) well, a monitor well, or another type — generally involves three primary stakeholders: the owner of the well, the drilling contractor, and the hydrogeologist or other professional consultant. These stakeholders have different perspectives about the requirements for project success, along with different concerns about issues that may undermine the project goals. This presentation will cover the techniques and considerations for preparing a technical specification for a well. It will outline a balanced approach that addresses all these considerations and facilitates project success, even when unanticipated problems are encountered (as is often the case with water well projects).
Mr. Glotfelty will also moderate the following sessions:
- Update on the Marana Water Reclamation Facility Recharge Project
- Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in the Navajo Sandstone: What can Arizona learn from Utah?
- Reflecting on 30 years of recharge by the Salt River Project
Friday evening, Mr. Glotfelty will host a social mixer at his Flagstaff house, which is constructed of recycled shipping containers (www.flagstaffcontainerhouse.com).